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How To Avail A Credit/Debit Card For Your Business

Having a credit/debit card for your business might not be necessary, but for an internet marketer I think it's better to have one for your online transactions.

Personally, I prefer using EON Debit Card from UnionBank for my online transactions. Simply because like what they say in their website "It allows you to do absolutely all your banking transactions with a click of a mouse." and because of its features and benefits ( ).

And as a beginner I suggest you use EON Debit Card. So here's how you can avail your EON Debit Card.

1. Go to UnionBank's EON page ( ) then click the How To Open An Account tab.

It will redirect you to the 4 easy steps in opening an EON account.

2. Click online application form. It will bring you to the online application form page where in you need to fill in the necessary data.

Once you finished putting all the necessary data click Submit. You will receive an SMS and email notification that contains your reference number that you need in order to avail your EON debit card, take note of your reference number.

3. Visit the nearest UnionBank branch. But before that, be sure that you prepare the following requirements; PHP 350 for your first annual fee, the original and photocopy of 2 valid photo-bearing IDs ( ) and proof of billing.

Take note that pickup branch must be within the area of residence/business/office.

4. Submit the following requirements to UnionBank personnel (the one who assists the clients) to get your EON debit card.

I hope that this post serves you.

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How To Avail A Credit/Debit Card For Your Business How To Avail A Credit/Debit Card For Your Business Reviewed by Richmond Dee on 9:07 AM Rating: 5


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