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Richmond Dee is an entrepreneur and author of eBooks.

Richmond was born on November 4, 1996 in Manila. He is the 5th child in 6 children of their parents. His mother, Sonia Dimaano-Dee is a Private Tutor in a university in Quezon City. And his father, Roger Dee is a retired businessman.

When Richmond was still in elementary, money was not a big deal for him. But when he came to high school it started to change. By having many expenses in school and being aware of the financial problem that their family is experiencing he saw the importance of money in a person's life.

At age 19, Richmond started to have the desire to earn money and become financially free so that he'll be able to provide for his family and be able to afford everything that he wants in life. That desire brought him to some of the well-known and most successful personalities in business and finance who influenced him like Francis Kong, Chinkee Tan, and Bo Sanchez.

In late 2015, with the influences of Francis Kong, Chinkee Tan, and Bo Sanchez I got interested in having a business that will help me generate passive income using the internet so that I can help my family financially and be able to afford everything that I want in life. That's when I started my internet business. It's an Internet Marketing business. We are helping people who want to make money online, and people who are struggling in their existing business. It's the same business model that Bo Sanchez is using in his Truly Rich Club.

As time passed by, I came to know more mentors who I follow until now. Some of them are Robert Kiyosaki, Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, Jack Ma, Tai Lopez, Anik Singal, Anthony Robbins and Eric Worre.

Richmond Dee with the I Am + Limitless Coaches in Bonifacio Global City.
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